Collab with SUB!


As the main programming board at Notre Dame, SUB loves to help out and collaborate with other clubs and organizations on campus in any way we can! If you are looking to collab with us, check out SUB’s standard below and submit your Collab request using our form!

SUB’s Collaboration Standards

If you want your club to collaborate with SUB on an event, you must…

  • be in contact with us at least one month out from your event

  • be willing to work with SUB in a partnership

  • Ensure that your event / collaboration aligns with our mission and the work of our committees

What SUB can do for you / Additional forms of Collaboration

If you are…

  • seeking to improve your programming

  • wanting to connect with vendors

  • trying to improve your own club’s current events

We are willing to give feedback and advice! We can help and meeting with you without cosponsoring an event! We can schedule a meeting to help you plan or strategize how to grow, or we can direct you towards the clubs and organizations that may be a better fir for your event or collaboration (e.g. SAO, MSPS, GRC, StuGov, etc.)

Copy and paste this link below to reach our Collaboration Form!